Sunday, February 28, 2016

McDonalds / Dominoz / SubWay / KFC

Wife: Honey my stomach is getting bigger, I think I am pregnant.
Husband: Ya, and I know who are the daddies!!!
Wife: Who?
Husband: McDonlads / Dominoz / SubWay / KFC.

What does "IDK" mean?

-What does "IDK" mean?
-I don't know.
-OMG! No one knows!

Another woman.

Poker = Sex

-What are you doing?
-Playing poker. Now get out of here.

Laughing out Loud

-Waiter, there is a fly in my soup!
Don't worry, sir.    It's probably dead.

I wish to have a body that all women want

Wow! Your kid is so small !


The pupils of the eyes expand as much as 45% when you look at someone you like.

Knife and a girl. Difference.

-What is the difference between a girl's argument and a knife?
-A knife has a point.


When you are being sarcastic and someone asks if you are being serious.

Kid. Mom.

Kid: Mommy what's in your stomach?
Mom: Your baby sister!
Kid: You love her?
Mom: Very much!
Kid: Then why did you eat her?